Our team is growing to serve you better.  Providing services all along the eastern seaboard means having the right people in the right places. All of us come form different professional backgrounds, have undergone extensive field training, and are committed to the "SubTech Way."


Dan Keller       

Owner/ Operator

Charleston, SC       


"As the meter turns!"

Michael Finn

Field Technician                                       Annapolis, MD









Aside from being a great troubleshooter, a full-time E.M.T., Mike

specializes in handling all of our sensitive projects.


George Keller

Jennings Data Analytics & Consulting, Inc.

Concord, NC













George provides all back office support for SubTech bringing over 30+ years experience

from IBM and EDS.  George wears many hats for SubTech and on occasion escalates

payables and receivables.


Dan Mershon

Field Technician

Salisbury, NC











Dan oversees all North Carolina maintenance and installations.

A former network engineer, Dan has been in training with us since May 2009

and has demonstrated that he will go as far as it takes to get the job done.


Joe "da Rat" Ratajczak

Field Technician

Virginia Beach, VA










Joe oversees all Virginia maintenance and installations.  His experience as a general

contractor has been a great asset to SubTech.  "Joe da Rat" has a profound way of

making his presence known as welll as making himself at home on all SubTech projects.

Jacob Keller

Denver, CO

Honorary Member &

Hired Gun!











Owner & Operator of Western Submetering Solutions in Denver, CO, Jacob often

provides SubTech with additional support as needed.  He is a specialist in handling

"Out of Control Situations"  as his reputation of "can do no wrong" is always



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