SubTech Services


Billing - How SubTech can help.


Submeter Maintenance & Repair

Over 10 years experience in the industry. SubTech is qualified to maintain and repair virtually any submeter system in the field today.



Turn Key System Sales & Installations

With over 100 new construction installations to date including water, gas, electric, SubTech will do it efficiently and right the first time.


Meter Reading

SubTech provides read data for Inovonics, SpeedRead, RAMAR, Itron, as well as any on site system. SubTech has automated the on site process using the latest in meter reading technology and route management software providing data output virtually indistinguishable from RF Fixed networks and drive by read systems.


System Audits and Performance Analysis

SubTech has partnered with Jennings Data Analytics & Consulting bringing 30 years of data analysis expertise to SubTech's clients.  We will restore the bottom line in your submetering program while minimizing costly repeat trips in service.


Contract Consulting & Support

Comprised of a team bringing 70 total years experience in submetering and related fields,

SubTech can bridge the gap between your core business model and any end meter point.


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