Why SubTech? A Picture is worth a 1,000 words!

A Real Life Encounter

  1. What happens when a company looses focus?

  2. Is there really a one stop shop?

  3. Is there an over the shelf submetering system?

  4. Who's responsible for the submetering system?

  5. Who is providing your submetering services in the field?

  6. How can I ensure accuracy?

  7. Why does my submetering system need constant repair?

  8. Who's reading my meters?

  9. When are my meters read?

  10. Why are bills being estimated?


This picture is not staged!  SubTech found this submetering system in a box upon arrival!  Needless to say the billing company was not getting meter reads.  Property management was spending excessive amounts of time dealing with resident complaints about utility bills; time taken away from managing the property!


Were ALL or NONE of these 10 questions asked in this scenario?


SubTech could have prevented this! SubTech can fix it!

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